St. Methodius of Olympus
quotes from Methodius of Olympus:→

Methodius of Olympus was a Bishop, martyr, and is now considered a Church Father. According to Saint Jerome, Methodius was Bishop of Olympos in Lycia and suffered martyrdom at the end of the last persecution under Maximinus Daia in 311.
Extant Writings:
- Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna
- The Banquet of the Ten Virgins
- Concerning Free Will
- From the Discourse on the Resurrection
- Oration on the Psalms
- Fragments
- Three Fragments from the Homily on the Cross and Passion of Christ
Quotes & Excerpts:
On the Intercession of Mary, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God:
“Hail to you forever, you virgin Mother of God, our unceasing joy, for unto you I again return. Hail, fount of the Son’s love for man! Therefore we pray you, most excellent among women, who boast in the confidence of your maternal honors, unceasingly to keep us in remembrance. O Holy Mother of God, remember us!” – Oration on Siméon and Anna (Written in 300 A.D.)
On the Intercession of Saints:
“Oh honored and venerable Simeon … Be our patron and advocate with the Savior, whom you were deemed worthy to receive into your arms. We, together with you, sing our praises to Christ, who has the power of life and death.” – Oration on Simeon and Anna 14 (Written in 305 A.D.)
On Sacramental Grace:
“It is as if it were that each of the saints, by partaking of Christ, were born a Christ. It is in this sense that Scripture says: ‘Touch not my Anointed Ones, and work no wickedness on my prophets’ (Psalm 104:15). Those who are baptized in Christ become, as it were, other Christs, through a communication of the Spirit.” –The Banquet of the Ten Virgins 8: 8 (Written ca. 300 A.D.)
On Celibacy:
“What then, did the Lord, the Truth, and the Light accomplish on His coming down to the world? He preserved His flesh incorrupt in the virginity with which He had adorned it. And so, let us too, if we are to come to the likeness of God, endeavor to aspire to the virginity of Christ.” –The Banquet of the Ten Virgins (Written ca 300 A.D.)